Friday, August 6, 2010

Accidents at work uk

accidents at work

Stumbling and falling occur easily and often encountered in anywhere. It can happen right at the seat where you sit when not working right place, at the paths are wet or slippery, parking, and when carrying objects were falling, and even the stairs or from ladder. A small obstacle on the shelf or on the road can also cause slip and fall. You need to know how to avoid the accident.

We can say that most accidents slip and fall caused by two reasons. First Cause is due to your negligence. Most accidents slip and fall, first of all by not paying attention when you walk and not busy doing something like a cell phone call for example. The second factor is due to the floor with water, or lying on the floor obstructions such as electrical wiring, furniture, etc.

To reduce accidents by 90% slip and fall, you should be aware and careful than in places frequently travel or work; 10% is due to external risks (called hazards) have can cause slip and fall. However, if careful precautions, you can avoid this accident or not. Here are a few suggestions to help you:

First, to keep the workplace tidy, clean and dry. Regular cleaning and cleaning in areas where people walk in and parking. Pathways into the building about 10 feet likely cause slippery because of debris, sand, water or snow flying in from the outside, or put on shoes from us carry. Near the entrance into the house, the carpets are very dirty and dusty sand deposits at the bottom and may cause slippery. Thus, frequent vacuuming or washing at the door mats will help limit accidents slip and fall. When you do so in its attention to the small truck, vehicle and forklift run oil strike out occasionally do work for the floor was slippery.
If you see water on the floor, let dry immediately. If you can not wipe away, tell people they can avoid responsibility for cleaning as soon as possible. Many times in the cafeteria dining room, you see someone accidentally spilled water, but no one noticed urge to clean. If so, you should take action!

Each person should express concern for the safety of his colleagues in the firm by reminding each other while working. Many times you see the floor is wet or wires running between floors, then you need to search for obstacles (yellow cone) as a sign to others not close.

There are dangers that people often encounter, but very time we did not notice until it happens. That staircase. When you step up step down the stairs, you should at least one hand rails on stairs, in case you accidentally slip, you will not fall from the mango falling wave on the ground. Indeed, there are risks related to stairs, such as carpet layers torn away, foot margin at the damaged stairs and overhangs cause foot problems, oil or water down the stairs in the dust or other small objects at three levels.

Many times, if your shoes are too worn or slippery soles class as sport shoes can also fail when you step up step down the stairs. If you see the dangers associated with stairs, please immediately notify the employer knew or superiors to rectify them promptly.

Next, a fall from the ladder can be very serious. The ladder of the ladder is damaged can cause falls. But probably because of your shoes because they too wear, no friction. Falls can also stand by you does not work on balancing ladder or standing on the ladder at the top. Remember: Never stand on the ladder at the top of the ladder. You should not rely on the scale because of excessive drift and gravity will cause you to lose balance and cause accidents.

In factories, you should go back where permitted. If you step across the line (conveyor), you may stumble. Do not step over or go up in the bin or the pallet. Do not forget about wires and cords in the workplace and in the office because they can cause tripping. Even so carefully for those filing cabinets if they are not closed because it can cause people to stumble across.

If you have a chance to read the book on safety, you will always find three letters E, which is Engineering (Technical), Education (education), Enforcement (implementation of safety regulations). Control techniques is an important first step to redress the dangers that may occur, creating a workplace that is not dangerous. Education to guide staff work to realize the dangers and trained to prevent and avoid accidents. On falls prevention, employers should train workers and prompted attention and caution when traveling. Enforcing the law means that a company set safety regulations at the company and everyone must abide by everybody.

Before closing, reiterate some key points as follows:

1) Never work standing in the top two rungs of the ladder;

2) When going up or going down stairs, rails should be at least one hand on the two sides of the stairs;

3) Keep the workplace dry and walkways;

4) Should the equipment and arrange the furniture to prevent them tidy up the drops or your legs;

5) Make sense to prevent these situations can be dangerous in the workplace;

6) Finally, if you see a danger in the workplace, please report to the superior or employer immediately to rectify them promptly.

Beware of falling accidents is the responsibility of everyone including the employer to the employee. Please recognize the danger before you begin such work should control whether there were working on the floor wet and slippery or not. Take timely action to remove the dangers that can happen for ourselves as well as for his colleagues. Safety is everyone's efforts. Be like this, you are a company's worker safety